After a long, and pretty tough Winter, I’m looking forward to Spring and am excited to have joined Green Door, an Artists’ Collective in Cumbria and North Lancashire I’ll be joining them at their first exhibition of the year at Grasmere Village Hall on 2nd-10th April 2019, 10am- 4.30pm daily. Non-members are also welcome at the Private view on Tuesday night , 6.30 – 8.30pm, so feel free to pop along!
I’ve been at the framer’s choosing mounts and frames for my recent works, so look forward to seeing them at their best very soon. So many shades of “white” paper, and so many shades of “white” mount board, which is why I never buy pre-cut mounts online! The fact that the lighting makes such a difference to our perception of colour just adds to the fun. Not.
Never mind, the clocks ⌒*spring*⌒ forward at the weekend (1.00am, Sunday 31st March to be precise) and it’s traditionally a time to look ahead and get outdoors if possible. It’s still only 8ºC here, but the longer daylight hours are what I’ve been craving even more than warmth. No more squinting under “daylight” bulbs and hoping that the tones look the same in the morning light! Sitting outside in the garden at break times, watching everything come to life, (let’s not talk about weeds) are also keenly anticipated. Happy Springtime Everyone!
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